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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Big Bone Lick - Spring Road Trip 2022



I made a new friend. Let’s just call him, “Buff”. I would like to protect his identify for his sake and mine due to an incident.

When Jim and I made the half mile easy hike to the small herd of Bison in the State Park, the last group near my new friend was four teenagers (two girls, two guys). We didn’t witness any foul play, but poor Buff was breathing mighty hard.

I walked up slowly but close (note: not past the guard rail set up), and started talking to him. He had his head up to that wire fence you can see in the picture. His breathing started slowing. He was calming down. Teenagers will get you all upset like that, especially a herd of them!!

It’s at that moment that the incident happened. I couldn’t help myself. We had a strong connection. Like when an animal knows that you are there to do good, not harm, even though they could rip your head off with one swipe, or throw you up in the air 10 feet so you land on your head and not think twice. I reached my hand, out and touched the hair sticking out of that wire fence above his big heaving nostrils. Buff didn’t flinch, his breathing didn’t change, but Jim’s did. Quite a bit, actually.

Jim says, “That is illegal!” I explained that it was fine and I had calmed his breathing. I told Jim that if he was bothered, he would have moved, yada, yada, yada. To which, Jim said, “That is a wild animal!” I thought to myself, “not hardly, with all these humans coming around touching them.”

There it is, my first big sin on my trip.

So, this is where I admit I was wrong. I should not have touched his hair. It was not good for the buffalo. I could have given it a disease. I don’t think I harmed it emotionally, and I do think we had a connection. I will believe that to the grave! If it was a different time, he would have been like my horse. Just like “Guy on a Buffalo”. If you haven’t seen that, look it up on YouTube. It is worth it.

Big Bone Lick State Park is also known for their  Salt Springs. This was a big deal before Meijer and Walmart came along. It kept their bison meat fresh much longer (don’t tell Buff I enjoy a good bison burger).



Monday, May 30, 2022

Indy 500 - Spring Road Trip 2022


We spend an hour in traffic from the time we get off the highway to the time we get to the $50 per space parking across from Indianapolis Speedway.  We hear the Street Preachers yelling how the sinners are going to hell, we see all kind of people making their way to the greatest racing spectacle, and smell the marijuana wafting through the air. It is the same every year. Young girls dressed in ridiculous outfits looking for the wrong kind of attention in line next to the elderly couple that has been in the same seats for 20 years dressed to the hilt in preppy race wear.

Jim makes a comment on how the street preachers make all the Christians look bad and how that truck next to us is so cool! Yup. Nothing you can do.

Pre race festivities had a cannonball shoot off and the Airforce Thunderbirds make a fly-by. They are always so good about thanking and honoring the military. We stand and sing the National Anthem. My left hand goes over my heart and Jim’s right hand goes over his heart. I make a mental note to look that up. Which one of us is right?? Have I been doing that wrong all my life? Jim was an officer in the Navy! I bet I’m wrong. I didn’t get a good pic of the Thunderbirds. They wouldn’t slow down for me! 😉

The longer pic is turn 2 and the square pic is coming out of turn 2. The pit lane ends right there at the end of turn 2. These pic are taken from our seats. Four out of five crashes this year happened at the end of turn 2. It is a risky corner with the pit lane there and the corner is a bit sharp – making for great seats even though it is full sun the WHOLE time!

By the end of the race, I get used to the occasional smell of marijuana, no outfit surprised me, and was so thankful for the kind and helpful race veteran that offers me a hand down the bleachers while he says, “see you next year” as we leave.

After I have showered all the sweat off and the hot water has relaxed the kinks out of my neck from watching the cars zip from left to right, I’m ready to do it all again next year!

Now we are traveling to…wait for it…Big Bone Lick State Park in Kentucky.

They have bison, trails to hike, and more. I’ll let you know what the “more” is in the next email. We are planning on seeing the Ark tomorrow. I’ll email again soon.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

"These are my people" - Spring Road Trip 2022


"These are my people.”

The statement I said to Jim as we walked up to this at the campground an hour outside of Indianapolis. The sound of County music, laughter, kids playing, and the Indiana SUPER friendly hospitable people gathered together made me feel good. Of course the beer/wine/liquor flowing always helps the joy be more joyful…also an Indiana farming town norm that my super righteous perfect Hoosier extended family members would be disgusted by. They all need Jesus just like me.

I was born in Indiana. My parents met at Grace Bible College. I was born in Warsaw, Indiana. My Grandparents still live in Winamac about a half hour or so from where we were and my Aunt and cousin live close by. Next time, we need to meet up with them. 

I think about the possibility that my joyful outgoing “give you almost anything” personality might have something to do with my Indiana roots. Every time we camp in Indiana, the Hoosiers are so kind and helpful it throws Jim off a bit (don’t tell him I said that). I LOVE it! It does take a moment to adjust, of course. They help us back our camper up, they offer extra hose, extension cords, whatever we need. The rougher the people look, the kinder they are. I love West Michigan but it is a different breed in Indiana. I fit in well but with better teeth. HA!!!!

Look close, the DJ has some pretty impressive tech. He has two large screens. The one guy is wearing overalls and has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth (I do not promote smoking mostly due to it’s cause of lung cancer and yucky smell). He has a style of his own. I appreciate it and the high tech involved in his craft.

On Sunday we go to Indy 500. Can't wait to write about it!


CAMPING in TURKEY RUN STATE PARK —  Marshall, Indiana The campground at Turkey Run State Park is pretty nice. Especially if you don't ca...