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Monday, May 30, 2022

Indy 500 - Spring Road Trip 2022


We spend an hour in traffic from the time we get off the highway to the time we get to the $50 per space parking across from Indianapolis Speedway.  We hear the Street Preachers yelling how the sinners are going to hell, we see all kind of people making their way to the greatest racing spectacle, and smell the marijuana wafting through the air. It is the same every year. Young girls dressed in ridiculous outfits looking for the wrong kind of attention in line next to the elderly couple that has been in the same seats for 20 years dressed to the hilt in preppy race wear.

Jim makes a comment on how the street preachers make all the Christians look bad and how that truck next to us is so cool! Yup. Nothing you can do.

Pre race festivities had a cannonball shoot off and the Airforce Thunderbirds make a fly-by. They are always so good about thanking and honoring the military. We stand and sing the National Anthem. My left hand goes over my heart and Jim’s right hand goes over his heart. I make a mental note to look that up. Which one of us is right?? Have I been doing that wrong all my life? Jim was an officer in the Navy! I bet I’m wrong. I didn’t get a good pic of the Thunderbirds. They wouldn’t slow down for me! 😉

The longer pic is turn 2 and the square pic is coming out of turn 2. The pit lane ends right there at the end of turn 2. These pic are taken from our seats. Four out of five crashes this year happened at the end of turn 2. It is a risky corner with the pit lane there and the corner is a bit sharp – making for great seats even though it is full sun the WHOLE time!

By the end of the race, I get used to the occasional smell of marijuana, no outfit surprised me, and was so thankful for the kind and helpful race veteran that offers me a hand down the bleachers while he says, “see you next year” as we leave.

After I have showered all the sweat off and the hot water has relaxed the kinks out of my neck from watching the cars zip from left to right, I’m ready to do it all again next year!

Now we are traveling to…wait for it…Big Bone Lick State Park in Kentucky.

They have bison, trails to hike, and more. I’ll let you know what the “more” is in the next email. We are planning on seeing the Ark tomorrow. I’ll email again soon.

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