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Friday, June 10, 2022


Blackwater Falls has a pretty easy hike with some boardwalks and steps to get to it. Pretty impressive!

Even from as far back as we were it was still really loud. That is a lot of water crashing down on a lot of rocks. Jim said that he was pretty sure he wouldn’t survive going over those falls. He is so much like Spock from Star Trek. So logical that man is, but it made me think, “He actually had the thought of trying to go over those falls. What in the heck!”

The next little hike was to Lindy Point Overlook. This hike had me wondering if we were in the same place they filmed The Princess Bride, one of my all time favorite movies! 

That mud pit on the left kept me looking over my shoulder for  a R.O.U.S (Rodents Of Unusual Size) to attack my “Wesley” at any moment. IT WAS AWESOME! Another interesting thing was the forest was full of Rhododendrons. I had never seen that before. Have you? A Rhododendron jungle?

Once we got to Lindy Point, the view was spectacular. I’m enough scared of heights that I had no desire to go outside the railing that was provided like I usually do. Those boulders could crash down on the civilians with me on top dying of a heart attack as I am wetting my pants screaming on the way down.

I’ve been in the papers one other time for an Improper Backing citation. It was in the Zeeland paper. It was a very dark cold night and somebody with a black car parked on the side of the road in a residential area directly across from my friends driveway. I did not see the car when I backed out of the driveway and lightly hit his car….IMPRPOPER BACKING. 

Let me make this clear. (This deserves it's own little segment.) I DO NOT, that I know of yet, have an improper back (buttocks or back), I backed up improperly in my car causing damage to another car because that person didn’t think about the risk of parking in that spot with no street lights DIRECTLY across from his neighbor’s driveway. I digress.

Of course I included my husband, a happy man feeling like he is on top of the world. He isn't afraid of falling down, wetting his pants, being in the newspaper, or having a heart attack. A picture of confidence leaning on railing put up who knows how long ago... :)

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