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Sunday, June 5, 2022


Good morning, afternoon, or evening.

At this point, our actual trip is almost over but I’m only halfway done telling you about our adventures. Either that is good news or bad news for you. I’ll let you decide. As we got into the truck to head to the last  and final campground, Jim says to me, “What are you writing about today? I can’t wait to read about Jim and Megan’s adventures!” He cracks me up sometimes.

LOST WORLD CAVERNS — Lewisburg, West Virginia

Jim getting "close" to Caverns
he caverns were discovered in 1942 and goes down 120 feet. A nice half mile path with hand rails takes you on a 45 minute self guided tour. 

Jim especially enjoyed the rock formation that gave you instruction to touch it. I almost feel bad putting the picture in here. It seems like a private moment for him. Lol. (Just so germaphobes don't freak out...he didn't really lick it.)

Not too bad though...I have a GIF if anyone wants it. ;)

They kept the original access hole in tact. Farmers would throw their dead animals down it when not using a rope ladder to go down and explore. I looked really hard to make sure it was just animal bones in the pile...I’ve seem too many movies.


Security Sam is a metal flamingo about 3 feet tall that we take camping with us. I bought him as a joke after we bought our camper several years ago. I thought it was funny because I thought that is was old people do at their campers. Jim didn’t get it, and just thought I was wasting money at the time.

Now Security Sam sits by our door of our camper wherever we go. He is a staple to our outdoor décor. A few weeks ago, my friend, Maureen texted me some distressing news. When placing a flamingo in front of your camper it is a signal that you are a “Swinger” and welcome other “Swinger” couples.

*(If you don’t know what a Swinger is look it up in Incognito mode on Google. If you don’t know how to do that, message me.)*

Fast forward. We get to our next campsite, we get all set up. Jim comes inside, sits down and says, “People here are so friendly! That couple across the way with that nice big rig, started waving, smiling, and pointing to their flamingo as soon as I put Security Sam out!”

He was so serious, I had to look at him for a good 30 seconds before he broke down started laughing.

NOT FUNNY! I am looking for a new mascot!!!


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