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Saturday, June 11, 2022



If you ever visit Mohican State Park in Ohio, and you are camping, I suggest staying at Mohican Adventures Campground with full hookup along the woods sites #208 - #226. The sites were very spacious with lots of privacy! The bathhouse if very updated with all in one (shower, toilet, sink) private rooms. You do not need to pay for the showers and it is constant warm water. I HATE pushing a button every 3 seconds for my warm shower water. Ain’t nobody got time for that!!

Mohican State Park isn’t very large but the hiking trails it has to offer are very well maintained pretty.

See that little dude over there on the left. He is actually 6”1’ and a bit over 200 pounds (we won’t go into details). He is behind Lyons Falls in Mohican State Park. The water comes down pretty hard when it is falling from that height. I had an urge to just start showering, but that could have been seen by certain people as my BIG SIN #2 and I could have been arrested for public nudity. That isn’t something I wanted in the newspapers. I also had the thought that my current employment might not appreciate my “oneness with nature”. (Shout out to my Staff fam ~ love you all and my job so much I didn’t do it)

Jim and I decided to go out for dinner so I found a place on the map that looked interesting. I knew it was a real place from a brochure I had picked up. It had a beautiful picture on it, but all Jim saw was the spot on Google maps.

The dirt roads kept getting narrower and the single wide mobile homes older and unkept as we followed the signs saying “Castle” with an arrows guiding the way. I wish you could have heard Jim say, “ This is a trick. We are going to get there, and get mugged!” I laughed because I had saw how gorgeous this place is and he had no idea. Hehehe

Well, he was pleasantly surprised. What a paradise!

We started with dinner at the Copper Mug. Arriving at 4pm, we were only the 3rd or 4th person there so we got to pick our seat. We decided to sit outside on the fantastic deck overlooking the manicured and carefully landscaped grounds. It was perfect! Jim and I had the whole deck to ourselves. It was really romantic with the perfect temperature, scenery, amazing food, refreshing drinks, and of course, the company was my favorite. ;)

After that great experience, we walked around for a little bit. We went into the main lobby area to get more information.

Landoll’s Mohican Castle is a resort and restaurant. It was built one room at a time with no plans or blueprints by Jim Landoll. 

Let me just say, THIS IS MY KIND OF GUY! This is how I usually function with “plans” all in my head. Jim = TOTOAL OPPOSITE. He needs to measure, draw out plans on paper, then draw them out on computer, then figure how long you cut each board to make the most use out of each piece of wood. He spends as much time planning as he does building the item. I’m not knocking it. It is good. I just don’t have the patience...I think I get way too bored way too quickly. Even as I write about this, my brain is saying to me, “blah, blah, blah” about my own writing about this subject.

Back to this amazing place. Overnight quests can choose to stay in one of the 11 castle suites or in one of the 4 stable suites. You could also choose to rent one of the two cottages on the property for a larger group. 

There are wedding packages including a wedding terrace. While there you can enjoy renting ski equipment in the Winter, and usage of the pavilion, gardens, the indoor heated pool, and take a walk through an old cemetery that dates back to the 1800s.

If you aren’t staying and visiting, there is an entry that you can go into and take the stairs to the top. It is perfect for short people who don’t mind heights. I got one out of two going for me! Jim had to duck to get through the door that went out to the balcony, but look at the view from the top. INCREDIBLE! 

Jim and I decided we need to go back and stay in the castle sometime. I’ll let you know what it’s like when we do. :)

To learn more about the history of this place, visit landollsmohicancastle.com/history/



The picture on the left was a model of how the manufacture campers. They had audio to explain all the steps. It was really interesting to anyone who does any kind of wood work, construction or wants to know how their camper is made.

All campers are pretty much made the same way. The things that change with the varying brands, makes, and models is well, of course $$$, and the quality of materials, specs , etc. Most of the campers/RVs are manufactured in the Elkhart/South Bend, Indiana area. 

They had all kinds of campers there to look at. Some you could go inside, some were off limits and you could just stick your head inside. The one to the right was a remake of an old “camper” that was pulled by a Model T Ford. There wasn’t much to it. It had storage space, and a booth table that changed into a bed.  

The picture with Jim in it is included because for some reason he just loved that RV. It suited him. See how proudly he stands in it??? I could just picture him sitting in the recliner with his big soft velvety robe with a drink in hand living his best life. I don’t think he would remove the plastic on the floor or update the upholstery. In it’s prime, it had all the bells and whistles, and it would be a tragedy to make it into something it’s not.

The yellow RV was a homemade job called the Star Streak II. I thought the name was clever.

The one on the left is the Furrion Elysium RVWhat you see on the roof is a hot tub, no joke! What is even cooler is that it also has a helicopter pad on the back part of the roof. If you enjoy techy nerdy stuff, google this RV. There are YouTube videos of tours through it. Furrion created it as a travel showroom for their Furrion products. Furrion sells RV TV's, audio equipment, kitchen appliances, etc. They make good stuff rugged so it can take on the bumps and jiggles that happen with the adventures of the road.

Friday, June 10, 2022


Blackwater Falls has a pretty easy hike with some boardwalks and steps to get to it. Pretty impressive!

Even from as far back as we were it was still really loud. That is a lot of water crashing down on a lot of rocks. Jim said that he was pretty sure he wouldn’t survive going over those falls. He is so much like Spock from Star Trek. So logical that man is, but it made me think, “He actually had the thought of trying to go over those falls. What in the heck!”

The next little hike was to Lindy Point Overlook. This hike had me wondering if we were in the same place they filmed The Princess Bride, one of my all time favorite movies! 

That mud pit on the left kept me looking over my shoulder for  a R.O.U.S (Rodents Of Unusual Size) to attack my “Wesley” at any moment. IT WAS AWESOME! Another interesting thing was the forest was full of Rhododendrons. I had never seen that before. Have you? A Rhododendron jungle?

Once we got to Lindy Point, the view was spectacular. I’m enough scared of heights that I had no desire to go outside the railing that was provided like I usually do. Those boulders could crash down on the civilians with me on top dying of a heart attack as I am wetting my pants screaming on the way down.

I’ve been in the papers one other time for an Improper Backing citation. It was in the Zeeland paper. It was a very dark cold night and somebody with a black car parked on the side of the road in a residential area directly across from my friends driveway. I did not see the car when I backed out of the driveway and lightly hit his car….IMPRPOPER BACKING. 

Let me make this clear. (This deserves it's own little segment.) I DO NOT, that I know of yet, have an improper back (buttocks or back), I backed up improperly in my car causing damage to another car because that person didn’t think about the risk of parking in that spot with no street lights DIRECTLY across from his neighbor’s driveway. I digress.

Of course I included my husband, a happy man feeling like he is on top of the world. He isn't afraid of falling down, wetting his pants, being in the newspaper, or having a heart attack. A picture of confidence leaning on railing put up who knows how long ago... :)

Thursday, June 9, 2022


Five River Camp Ground — Parsons, West Virginia

Just had to share the gorgeous view from our campsite in Parsons. Other campsites were on a river. The bathhouse was less than awesome (they tried with colorful shower curtains). It could have easily turned into something from a Walking Dead scene with the mold growing up the walls. That’s okay because the view was outstanding and we had full hookup!


Monday, June 6, 2022

2022 WV RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL — Lewisburg, West Virginia

As Jim and I ate breakfast that morning I told him about my prepared option list of hikes to see waterfalls and overlooks with Google maps to decide our route. There was something else that peaked our interest really close by, a RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL! 

Singing group waiting to get on stage
I did some research and found out that it would be a one-of-a-kind experience that only happens a few weekends a year. We enjoy a good cinema production in Middle Earth with mystical creatures. If there are dragons, even better. If I happen to be playing a role playing game, I always choose an Elf. It has been that way since High School. (dear parental units, don’t think to much about that. I’m sure it was against the rules to play such games.)

There are a few reasons for always choosing the Elf clan. They are short, like me. They have pointy ears. I have always felt like I have had big ears. That issue is not getting any better, in fact. I actually have a condition where the cartilage of my ears keep getting stiffer and growing unevenly larger in random areas. Sometimes they shrink back down, sometimes not. I keep thinking there will be a time when I will need to grow my hair out to cover these weird ears of mine. Lastly, I always pick Elf because they are supposed to be beautiful, wise, skilled fighters, and they typically seek justice. Now that you got a full dose of MEGA NERD MEGAN, I will move on.

Archery and Horseback stunts

At the fair, there were many acts, musicians, and talented vendors. 

We saw these three young woman do horseback stunts and archery. The Nuns and the Chicken People was a Comedy show. The Nuns were funny and clean, the Chicken People were not funny.
Boom Boom Shake and Belly Dancers

The two man band, Boom Boom Shake, was one of Jim’s favorite. He said he really liked their music. After the show, he bought their CD download card and added a little tip. I have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t just the music he enjoyed, but also the belly dancing. Especially since he told me that maybe I should look into belly dancing, you know, for fitness. HA!!! That’s a

man for ya! ;)
A new headband for the occasion!

Sunday, June 5, 2022


Good morning, afternoon, or evening.

At this point, our actual trip is almost over but I’m only halfway done telling you about our adventures. Either that is good news or bad news for you. I’ll let you decide. As we got into the truck to head to the last  and final campground, Jim says to me, “What are you writing about today? I can’t wait to read about Jim and Megan’s adventures!” He cracks me up sometimes.

LOST WORLD CAVERNS — Lewisburg, West Virginia

Jim getting "close" to Caverns
he caverns were discovered in 1942 and goes down 120 feet. A nice half mile path with hand rails takes you on a 45 minute self guided tour. 

Jim especially enjoyed the rock formation that gave you instruction to touch it. I almost feel bad putting the picture in here. It seems like a private moment for him. Lol. (Just so germaphobes don't freak out...he didn't really lick it.)

Not too bad though...I have a GIF if anyone wants it. ;)

They kept the original access hole in tact. Farmers would throw their dead animals down it when not using a rope ladder to go down and explore. I looked really hard to make sure it was just animal bones in the pile...I’ve seem too many movies.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Greenbrier Valley


 Lewisburg, WV

Jim and I knew going into this trip that we liked Kentucky and West Virginia landscape but we have both decided that we actually love West Virginia. Pictures can’t capture the way the light falls through the jagged crevices of the rock formations on the mountainside. Everywhere you look, you see natural curves, and edges. I’m talking about the landscape right now people. The people are pretty curvy in some of these towns as well.

We met some SUPER nice curvy women at the Greenbrier Valley Visitor’s Center. I don’t know if  some, all, or any of them were Christians, but it would have very much surprised me if at least some weren’t. They had Col 3:12 all figured out and well practiced. 

Jim and I stopped into the Visitor’s Center in downtown Lewisburg for information on trail maps. We found SO MUCH MORE!!! There was a large beautiful garden quilt hanging in one side of the room. On the same side, there were lovely art pieces displayed. Jim and I separated, looked at the trail maps available and soon I was over at the art. The woman sitting at the table in front of the beautiful quilt started working on Jim. She was selling the raffle tickets to raise money for the Garden Club.

The thing about it is that she wasn’t pushy or anything like that. She was telling Jim about the quilt, what the raffle was for, and that she would ship it to us for free if we won. If it wasn’t our style, we could give it away as a gift! She was genuinely so excited we were there. I had the thought that it was a good thing that she was a larger woman because gravity was no match for enthusiasm. 

While Jim was finishing the purchase our raffle tickets, a couple of elderly individuals came in. Our short, talented, excitable friend (Stef for short) suddenly made a short scream of intense joy.

Stef then said to us. “I’m sorry, but you HAVE to stay for our Ukulele Group Performance! The woman who just walked in has been really sick. We didn’t know if she would make it. I’m so glad to see her. Have you eaten dinner yet? There are several great places to eat nearby. You would have just enough time to eat and then come back and enjoy the show!!” 

At that point Stef gave us all the information we needed to make an excellent dinner choice. While talking to her, the artist and others there, it didn’t take long to convince us that it would be a wonderful place to come back to or move every family member, friend, and neighbors there as soon as possible! It was contagious hospitality. So contagious Jim told the hostess, and the waitress what our plans were after dinner. Neither one of them seem too impressed. What is wrong with these people!! Lol! We made it back after dinner to cheer on some mediocre musicians with  average singing voices named of Greenbrier River Optimistic Ukulele Players (G.R.O.U.P).

Friday, June 3, 2022

Heritage Farm Museum and Village


We packed up our camper and headed out for the next campground with high hopes for our planned stop on the way there.

The village showcased the arts of the first mountain settlers, their inventions, and progress made since. We viewed an impressive collection of antique cars in the Transportation Museum, all in pristine condition. I had to slurp up the drool as I looked at the 1927 Ford Roadster truck.

In the Progress Museum is where you find Zane’s Park. It’s an old animatronics display created by a school janitor using things available to him. Items such as a wire brush, bucket, jugs from his used cleaning supplies, etc. were all used to make it a reality to entertain the children he served and loved at the school. 

The picture on the left is just one of the many structures. The whole thing was around 10 x 10 feet.  It had a rollercoaster, ferris wheel, along with other wonders. Flashing lights and dancing ballerinas seem to be a big hit with the kids in the building. Progress Museum Superwoman (we will call her PMS, no...let’s call her Superwoman for short), told us that the BEST part is when the kids see the couple in the upstairs window KISS!!!! She gets to stand to the side, turn in on and see the kid’s faces as they witness the wooden man and woman swapping sawdust. 

When we arrived, we had an hour and a half to see it all. They said it wasn’t a problem. It wouldn’t have been if West Virginia people weren’t so friendly. The very first staff person to welcome us asked where we are from and we said West Michigan. She enthusiastically said she loves Traverse City, yada, yada, yada. She was as sweet as honey and I wanted to tell her the next time she comes to Michigan, her and her husband can just stay with us. However, Jim might not like that too much. ;)

This trend continued with more people asking, and everybody talking about their experiences at the Tulip Time Festival, Mackinaw Island, the Upper Peninsula, and many more.

With 16 minutes to closing, the nice smiling late middle aged woman in the Industry Museum asked where we are from. We told her and her face lit up. She told us that her son lives in Grand Rapids with his wife and they are going to have their first grandchild. That’s not that crazy. Everyone here had some connection to Michigan!! However, it was a little more interesting when she said that her son is Jay Plyburn, a news anchor on WZZM 13. They will be visiting them in a month.

She was a VERY proud, as she should be! She said to go over and say something to her husband in the Drug Store. So, of course, we did. He played it all cool. Ha! Guys are so different than girls.

If you get a chance to stop by, it’s worth it. They also have a zip line, ropes course, a petting zoo, and wagon rides. I’m sure we missed something but give yourself enough time and save up your words and you will have a blast!

P.S. To whom it may concern, would like this Six Shooter Arcade game for our basement for Christmas.


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

ARK Encounter - Spring Road Trip 2022


ARK ENCOUNTER Williamstown, KY

Pretty amazing that a man and his family would have built a structure like this without a crane , a battery powered drill like the one I use, or a couple million bucks laying around to kick off the project. I find it even more amazing that the lion didn’t eat the rat in the process.  And why, after all the trouble a snake gave human kind, did that make it on?? ;) That question is making it on my list for Heaven, for sure!

The Ark Encounter was very interesting. There was a sign upon entry letting you know that they took a lot of artistic license with the Arc, and they were not kidding. A lot of the experience were based on guesses due to the fact that we only have the Bible to give us information about the Ark. It doesn’t give us great detail on how they scooped the poop out.

I LOVED the sculptures with stories from the Bible etched. They were gorgeous to put it mildly. Art was showcased in dioramas, cartoon sketches, paintings, and video. There was no shortage of talent used when building this ARK! The grounds/gardens/facilities were perfectly kept, clean and beautiful. 

Jim  and I walked away feeling really thankful for the opportunity to go.  It is  an experience adults and older kids should do, for sure!  Make sure the special kids in your life see the Zorse and the Zonkey! They won’t let you even come close enough to touch them so you don’t have to even worry about that...sigh….


CAMPING in TURKEY RUN STATE PARK —  Marshall, Indiana The campground at Turkey Run State Park is pretty nice. Especially if you don't ca...